
Art (5) Daily Life (13) Must See (2) Other (7) Quotes (17) Read this (1)


New Blog

Just wanted tell you that I moved my blog to Wordpress. I was told that Wordpress has a user-friendlier panel and has more options. Enough reasons for me to change to Wordpress.
The new one:

See you at Wordpress!


What's happening?

Wel, this is happening. It's been a while since I wrote on this blog, but I will give it a try(again).
I'm actually a quite busy person nowadays, I go to school again four days a week, work in the weekends, take singing lessons once a week, have a nice pony of which I take care, need time for my friends and my family. Now I sound like I don't have time at all, which isn't quite the case. I like being busy, makes me feel like I actually do something with my life.
Last week I moved to a new room in the house. It's a bigger one and a very nice and cosy one. It's a sort of U-form, which is quite unusual but I really like it. I have a sort of upstairs, where the only thing I can do is sleep(or other things you might not want to know). Anyway, if you feel like wanting to know what I mean, you should defenitely step by and watch the room.
Like I said before, a new year of art school has taken off, so time to see if the creativity hasn't left my brains yet. As far as I am concerned that hasn't happened, so that might be a good sign!
What can I tell more...

I don't know for now, but when I have brilliant inspiration I will tell you!

'Till next time,




Allereerst: De verslagen over Zweden gaan even in het Nederlands, dat is iets makkelijker te lezen voor iedereen.

We hebben eindelijk tijd gevonden om even achter de computer te kruipen. We zitten nu in het grote huis, na een snelle verhuizing vanaf een huisje te hebben gedaan. De reis is goed gegaan, we hebben er wel iets langer over gedaan omdat de bus die we moesten hebben al vol zat. We hebben dus de hele nacht doorgereisd met vier keer overstappen, maar we zijn er uiteindelijk gekomen. Daarna hartelijk ontvangen door Anita, die ons kwam halen in het centrum van Ekshärad. Ook op de ranch vond Renate het leuk om ons weer te zien en we hebben kennisgemaakt met onze nieuwe collega's: Lonneke(stage voor dierenverzorging) en Paul, Nicky en Pieter(stage voor hoveniersopleiding). De jongens komen van dezelfde school als de jongens van vorig jaar, maar zijn een stuk meer verlegen en meer met elkaar bezig. Tenminste, dat was in het begin zo, ze beginnen nu wat losser te worden.
Het bedrijf is al in volle gang, de huisjes zitten vol(vandaar onze verhuizing) en de paarden raken flink wat kilo's kwijt. Leuke mensen allemaal, heel spontaan en gezellig. Het weer is niet altijd even mooi, we hebben afgelopen nacht een flinke bui en onweer gehad, vannacht schijnt weer wat slecht weer te komen, maar we blijven optimistisch.
Zondag mochten we gelijk mee met een dagrit van ongeveer vijf uur, wat heel leuk was en Eef flink wat spierpijn heeft bezorgd. Afijn, je moet wel ergens tegen kunnen hè.
Een nog wat mindere mededeling trouwens, Esmée heeft gisteren een trap van een paard gehad waardoor haar been nu blauw en pijnlijk is. De pijn wordt steeds erger, dus Dimitry gaat morgen met haar naar het ziekenhuis in Torsby het te laten nakijken. Duimen dus, al is ze sterk en loopt ze er gewoon mee door.
Morgen gaan we lekker kanoën, we hebben de afgelopen dagen best hard gewerkt dus dit vonden we wel even lekker.

We hopen dat alles daar in Nederland ook goed is(en in Engeland ;)),

Veel liefs,

Es en Eef


A bit of Evie...

First thing I want to say: GO HOLLAND!
Can't wait untill the semi finals, two days before I leave to Sweden. It has been a nerve-racking, very exciting game! I didn't like van Persie in the game, he was being very selfish and arrogant.

Enough about soccer now, let's tell about the rest of the week. Tuesday I got a call from Harry, my boss. He asked if I was able to work that day, because Gini(his wife) was bitten by one of their dogs. They had to go to the doctor and needed someone to keep an eye on the café. Wasn't a problem for me, so I grabbed my stuff and went to work. When I saw the wounds in Gini's arm it kind of scared me. They were huge and very deep. As soon as I arrived they left to the doctor and J-P also went away to see the eye doctor. He called Patrick to help me. No problem, ten minutes later we were alone in the café. Half an hour later Harry and Gini came back with antibiotics. J-P got her a mitella, because her arm was twice as thick as it normally is. I stayed there the whole afternoon and evening, 10 pm I went home.

On wednesday I went to the hospital to do an ECG. Now you probably want to know why, well, that's because my brother has a heart disease and we wanted to make sure that the rest of the family doesn't have it. And yes indeed, we don't have it. After that I went to work. Worked the whole day, went home to sleep.
Thursday wasn't quite different, also worked and went home to sleep.
And today I finally had time to rest, slept until half past eleven in the morning and took my time to take a shower and spend time on the couch and read 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'. On four o'clock it was time to watch soccer, but I already reported that at the beginning of this message.

Wow, I actually can't believe someone takes time to read this...
Ah well, maybe no one does, he he.

Have a wonderful weekend,



Soccer instead of working?

It's been a quiet, but very hot monday. After a very busy sunday we didn't mind having a bit of rest. It was even more quiet than a regular monday, because of course, the Netherlands entered the 1/8 finals of the world championships today. Normally I don't like soccer, but there's a great atmosphere around this competition, because the whole country shouts for one team. I like it. On 4 o'clock my boss turned on the tv and I watched the first half with him. In the break I drove home to watch the second half with my mom, although she was busy with other stuff. After all it was a quit useless monday, but at least we made it to the quarter finals! Yay!
Now I'm going to dive into the swimming pool in the back yard. Okay, it's not really a pool, more some kind of pond? Anyway, I'm going to cool down a little bit.

Have a nice monday eve,




So, it has been a long time since I wrote here, time to update.
What I have been doing the last couple of months is that I spent a lot of time on school, I got through my first year and earned all the points I needed. I also received my drivers licence a couple of weeks ago.
To be honest, I didn't feel like writing these months. In april I moved to Groningen and I'm very happy about that. I can do my own things, I don't have to worry about dinner at home because I can make my own and I can go out and go home whenever I want. I love it!
Actually, I don't have nothing more to say. Everything's fine over here.
And now I'm going to push myself to write more often, because the meaning of this blog has dropped out a little.

See you soon!




Kingdom of Dullness

Holiday is almost over, time to start over again with painting, painting, drawing and... Oh yes, yes. Painting.
This week has been kind of useless. Waking up late in the morning, getting dressed at 3 pm, doing nothing except for reading, surfing on the internet, reading, playing RPG games, reading and reading. I read two books this week, which is very unusual for me. It might be caused by this website:
It's a very handy and pretty website if you like to read. You can start a sort of book portfolio, there are three 'book shelves': read, currently-reading and to-read. It helps you reminding which books you have already read, which books you would like to read en there is a possibilty to keep up with the book pages of the book you are currently reading. Nice website, it motivates me to read more.
Actually I hadn't planned to do so little in this week. Since it's actually not a holiday week but a 'self study week' I had  to do things for school. Okay, I did two things for school. I made a portrait and I visited the museum in Zwolle(which was really interesting, that painter must have been crazy painting 55 portraits of her dead husband!). But it wasn't enough though, I had planned to do so much more, taking photographs in the forest(or somewhere else), working out my ideas and putting my dummy full of crap. Er, mission failed. Although reading sounds smart and is fun, school work needed to have a priority. Well, let's say that's too late now.
But on the other hand, doing nothing can in fact bring in money! Yesterday evening I had to take care of my two girls next door, because their mother had planned a surprise party for her husband(who's having his birthday today by the way). They were gone from 8 pm until 2 am, that meant 6 hours reading and watching tv. If that isn't making a man tired, then I don't know anymore... At least the good thing was that I had earned enough money to get drunk. Although when I saw my neighbours yesterday when they got home I was glad I was sober. They were yelling so loud that it wouldn't surprise me if some of the neighbours would call the police. Fortunately, that didn't happen.
So, why I was actually writing this, is because I'm bored(wow) and someone wants me to write more. Here you go someone, happy with this?

Have a nice weekend everyone,



A revolution of clothes!

Okay, double-minded as I am with clothes, today(or actually a couple of days ago) I decided to put on something new. No, not a new jeans, or a wide sweater, no, I chose for something new, something unexpected, something revolutionary, a skirt! Now the people who have seen me before or think they(or do actually) know me, know that I'm not that girly and pretend to be a tough woman. Guess what, I might be tough, but deep inside this biker chick(?!) is hiding a sweet charmful girl who knows exactly how to act like a girly girl.
Okay, that's not where I was getting at. What the point is, I set aside my little insecurity about short skirts, leggings and panties. I had promised a friend of mine to put on the skirt today, because it was J-P's birthday(another friend). Very well, today I stepped inside cafe Friescheveen(where J-P lives) and was ready to be laughed at. The curious thing was, that didn't happen. Even J-P didn't say anything(and believe me, that's better than when he makes jokes). His mother on the other hand thought it looked really nice, because my upper legs looked thinner this way. I took that as a compliment, although I was not quite sure if I was supposed to, hehe. Her next remark confirmed my thought, because she said I really had to do this more often. And actually I think she's right, I still am a girl after all and am expected to wear these girly things. Not that I care about the stereotype, but still.
It's been a succesful action, might try it more often.

With hugs,



Quote of the Week

We shouldn't be looking for heroes, we should be looking for good ideas. ~ Noam Chomsky



Operation Michael

Last week I finished 'Operation Michael' in the project week. The assignment was to take an icon and use up a fraud in the painting which had something to do with the icon. I chose Michael and his operations, because I think he took more than 40 operations!
That's why I put scissors in the painting and gave him this green jacket.

Take a look: